Background Check Technology

Background Check Technology Interface New New

Screening reports in an elegant interface

Our interface is accessable from desktops, tablets and mobile devices. Our design is simple and sleek which allows you to perform all necessary tasks quickly and easily.

Hiring technology for the modern candidate

Our SwiftScreen software allows users to contact candidates via email and text messages which greatly reduce report turnaround time.


Background Check Hiring Technology
Mobile Background Check Technology

Mobile for both you and your candidates

Your candidates get it as easily as you do with mobile capability from the start of the process to the completed report.

Integrate seamlessly


Swift Check integrates with 37 of the most powerful ATS and HRIS systems on the market. Beyond those systems, we have the experience and expertise to onboard with your specific Applicant Tracking System if necessary.


Applicant Tracking System Integration

Got 20 seconds? Evaluate Your Screening Provider

If you always do what you’ve always done, you always get what you’ve always gotten.