Newton Software Background Check
Newton Software Background Check
SwiftCheck Screening provides a pre-built integrated Newton Software background check to users. This Newton integration allows background check information to the Newton ATS. From the standard Newton background check integration to a complex Newton Software ATS integration solution, SwiftCheck offers an integration that fits your organization’s needs. Our Swift Suite technology solutions allow better employment background screening turnaround times and cost-saving features without ever having to leave the Newton interface.
About Newton Software
Newton is a modern, easy-to-use applicant tracking software designed to organize and improve internal recruiting programs for small and medium-sized businesses (30-3000 employees). Newton features best-of-breed dashboards that create unparalleled visibility and transparency. And, Newton is the only recruiting software platform designed to drive the decisions that drive hiring taking into account all users in the corporate recruiting workflow. Industry leading adoption rates (+90%) ensure easy collaboration, plus powerful performance driven metrics empower any HR and Recruiting Professional to continuously improve recruiting.
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