Consumer Dispute Procedure
SwiftCheck complies with the laws set forth by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) in an effort to provide the most up-to-date and accurate background screening reporting information available.
If you believe that any information in your background check report(s) is inaccurate or incomplete, you may file a dispute for free. Due to necessary data that may need to be pulled from multiple sources, the nature of the source and the scope of the information, the dispute investigation process generally may take up to 30 days.
SwiftCheck will expeditiously investigate the specific information and report that you are disputing. SwiftCheck offers both a compliance and account management team who can assist you if you need help identifying the specific information that you are disputing in your report.
By law, you are entitled to such information. If you need help identifying specific information / report, that you want to dispute, you may request a free copy of your background check report(s), but it is not necessary for you to do so.
How Do I Dispute the Accuracy of My Background Report?
Click on the “SwiftCheck Report Applicant Dispute PDF” link below and send by either mail or email to the address or email below.
Either mail or email the PDF to the address or email below:
Swift Check Inc.,
Attn: Compliance – Applicant Dispute
PO Box 38203
Pittsburgh, PA 15238
You may check on the status of your dispute by contacting the SwiftCheck Compliance Department at (800) 505-8003, Monday to Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM EST.